dimecres, 12 de setembre del 2018

set service windows 10 and rename

# set_service_windows_10

The Set-Service cmdlet changes the properties of a service.


Sets: Boot, System, Automatic, Manual, Disabled

per tal de parar les actualitzacions automàtiques

tecla windows - powershell - administrador

Set-Service -Name BITS -StartupType Disabled
Get-Service BITS | Select-Object Name, StartType, Status

Set-Service -Name wuauserv -StartupType Disabled
Get-Service wuauserv | Select-Object Name, StartType, Status

#per renombrar la computadora
RENAME-COMPUTER -computername (hostname) -newname CONTOSO-FS; RESTART-COMPUTER -force

#per reiniciar la computadora

#obtener privilegios administrador

start-process powershell –verb runAs              - en finestra powershell

a partir d'un d'una finestra cmd.exe

powershell -nologo "start-process powershell -verb runas"

##més d'uns altres links
Para pararlos debes escribir desde PowerShell o Símbolo de sistema ambos como Administrador, uno a la vez y das enter
net stop bits
net stop wuauserv net stop appidsvc net stop cryptsvc
Update service restarts automatically
It’s observed that just stopping the service does not work in some cases and it restarts automatically. In such cases one can disable the service completely by running below command.
C:>sc config wuauserv start= disabled [SC] ChangeServiceConfig SUCCESS Imagen
para activarlos, algo parecido, estos son los comandos
net start bits net start wuauserv net start appidsvc net start cryptsvc Get-Service | Sort-Object Status -descending
There are two ways you can do this:
Get-WMIObject -Class Win32_Service

Get-Service | Select-Object Name, DisplayName, Status, StartType

Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_Service | Select-Object DisplayName, Name, StartMode, State
