dijous, 9 de maig del 2013

instalar clamav debian 6

Debian The Debian packages are maintained by Stephen Gran. ClamAV has been officially included in the Debian distribution starting from the sarge release. Run apt-cache search clamav to find the name of the packages available for installation. Unofficial packages are available through the Debian volatile project (AMD64 arch is also supported). They are usually more recent than official ones and they are maintained by Stephen Gran too, so they follow the same layout as the official ones. Here is a blurb from the Debian volatile project home page: ‘’Some packages aim at fast moving targets like spam filtering and virus scanning, and even via using updated virus patterns, this doesn’t really work for the full time of a stable release. The main issue of volatile is to allow system administrators to update their systems in a nice, consistent way without getting the drawbacks of using unstable, even without getting the drawback for the selected packages.’‘ If you are running Lenny, we recommend that you use one of the Debian volatile repositories to keep your ClamAV installation updated on your system. Always choose the mirror closest to you. Edit /etc/apt/sources.list and add a line like this to it: deb http://volatile.debian.org/debian-volatile lenny/volatile main contrib non-free Then run apt-get update; apt-get install clamav freshclam If you need clamd, you may also want to run apt-get install clamav-daemon If you are running squeeze (Debian 6.0) or newer use: deb http://ftp.XX.debian.org/debian squeeze-updates main contrib non-free Replace XX with your country code. finalment per actualitzar a ma: cd /var/lib/clamav wget http://db.local.clamav.net/daily.cvd wget http://db.local.clamav.net/bytecode.cvd wget http://db.local.clamav.net/safebrowsing.cvd wget http://db.local.clamav.net/main.cvd comprovar que els fitxer més nous son les dades vàlides o renombrar, també canviar el propietari i grup a clamav, Latest Stable Release http://www.clamav.net/lang/en/ Latest ClamAV® stable release is: 0.97.8 Windows Antivirus - Immunet 3.0, powered by ClamAV (Learn more) ClamAV Virus Databases: main.cvd ver. 54 released on 11 Oct 2011 10:34 :0400 (sig count: 1044387) daily.cvd ver. 17172 released on 08 May 2013 10:43 :0400 (sig count: 1229899) bytecode.cvd ver. 214 released on 13 Feb 2013 10:29 :0500 (sig count: 41) safebrowsing.cvd ver. 40564 released on 09 May 2013 16:00 :0400 (sig count: 1222588) finalment scannejar (0) Scan a single file: clamscan file (1) Scan a current working directory: clamscan (2) Scan all files (and subdirectories) in /home: clamscan -r /home (3) Load database from a file: clamscan -d /tmp/newclamdb -r /tmp clamscan / -r scannejar tot el sistema recursivament clamscan -i -l file.txt scanejar tot , sortida indicant només els infectats i -l guarden al fitxer file.txt el resultat scanejar dos directoris determinats de mail clamscan -i -l clamscan1.txt --move=virus /home/username/win/Eudora1/attach-3 ; clamscan -i -l clamscan1.txt --move=virus /home/win/Eudora1/Embedded clamscan / -r -i -l resultat-antivirus.txt DEL RESULTAT DEL PRIMER SCANNEIG wikidb.sql: PHP.Flooder-1 FOUND Other Linux AV programs include: AVG: It's a nice GUI, but I never could get the update AV database feature to work. F-Prot: F-Prot is no longer a top-ranking Linux AV product (subscriber-only). avast!: I just discovered this recently. It's not available via repository, but binaries can be found at the avast! website.